J2ee Interview Question and answers 2024

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J2ee Interview Question and answers 2024

J2ee Interview Question and answers 2024

Basic Concepts

  1. What is J2EE?
    • Answer: J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition) is a platform-independent, Java-centric environment from Sun Microsystems for developing, building, and deploying web-based enterprise applications online.
  2. Explain the architecture of J2EE.
    • Answer: J2EE architecture consists of a client-tier, web-tier, business-tier, and enterprise information system (EIS) tier. It is designed to support multi-tiered, distributed application model.
  3. What is a J2EE component?
    • Answer: A J2EE component is a self-contained functional software unit that is assembled into a J2EE application. J2EE components include applets, application clients, servlets, JSPs, and EJBs.


  1. What is a Servlet?
    • Answer: A Servlet is a Java programming language class used to extend the capabilities of servers hosting applications accessed by means of a request-response programming model.
  2. Explain the lifecycle of a Servlet.
    • Answer: The Servlet lifecycle consists of the following steps:
      • Loading and Instantiation
      • Initialization (init method)
      • Service (service method)
      • Destruction (destroy method)
  3. What is a web.xml file?
    • Answer: The web.xml file, also known as the deployment descriptor, is used to configure servlets, servlet mappings, and other web application components.

JSP (JavaServer Pages)

  1. What is JSP?
    • Answer: JSP (JavaServer Pages) is a technology used for developing web pages that support dynamic content. It allows Java code and certain predefined actions to be embedded into static content.
  2. What are JSP directives?
    • Answer: JSP directives are messages to the JSP engine that influence the processing of the entire JSP page. Examples include page, include, and taglib.
  3. What are JSP implicit objects?
    • Answer: JSP implicit objects are pre-defined variables in JSP that are available for use without explicit declaration. Examples include request, response, session, application, and out.

EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans)

  1. What is an EJB?
    • Answer: EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans) is a server-side software component that encapsulates the business logic of an application.
  2. Explain the different types of EJB.
    • Answer: There are three types of EJBs:
      • Session Beans: Stateless, stateful, and singleton session beans.
      • Entity Beans: Represent persistent data stored in a database.
      • Message-Driven Beans: Process asynchronous messages from a queue.
  3. What is the difference between Stateless and Stateful Session Beans?
    • Answer: Stateless session beans do not maintain any conversational state with the client between method calls, whereas stateful session beans maintain a conversational state.

JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)

  1. What is JDBC?
    • Answer: JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) is an API for connecting and executing queries with databases.
  2. Explain the different types of JDBC drivers.
    • Answer: There are four types of JDBC drivers:
      • Type 1: JDBC-ODBC bridge driver.
      • Type 2: Native-API driver.
      • Type 3: Network Protocol driver.
      • Type 4: Thin driver (pure Java driver).
  3. How do you perform database connection using JDBC?
    • Answer:
      Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);

Advanced Topics

  1. What is JNDI in J2EE?
    • Answer: JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface) is a Java API for directory services that allows Java software clients to discover and look up data and resources via a name.
  2. Explain the concept of MVC architecture.
    • Answer: MVC (Model-View-Controller) is a design pattern used to separate the concerns of an application:
      • Model: Represents the application data and business logic.
      • View: Represents the presentation layer, i.e., UI components.
      • Controller: Manages user input and updates the model and view.
  3. What is Hibernate and how is it used in J2EE applications?
    • Answer: Hibernate is an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) framework for Java. It maps Java classes to database tables and manages database operations. In J2EE applications, it is used for data persistence.
  4. What is the difference between ServletContext and ServletConfig?
    • Answer: ServletContext is an interface that provides a way to communicate with the servlet container, whereas ServletConfig provides information about the servlet configuration parameters.
  5. How do you handle exceptions in JSP?
    • Answer: Exceptions in JSP can be handled using the <error-page> element in web.xml or by using try-catch blocks within the JSP scriptlets.


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